Legacy Blue helps tell a better story

Disney Customer Service Keynote Speakers
Months later, the color match caught my eye. Photo: Final day as a full-time Cast Member.



Name tag.

Deep blue.

Castle. Turrets.

Same deep blue.


Famous for.

Paying attention to detail.




Cultural architecture.








On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since.


This website is about our career health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my home health website, click here.


How you feel says it all

First College National Championship Game coin toss
The odds or demonstrating courage are way less than 50/50. Last night’s first College Nat’l Championship game.


How you feel says it all.

If you are overwhelmed (and who isn’t), it impacts your ability to lead.

If you are balanced, your leadership is radically amplified.

People follow your courage, not your title.

If you’re too busy fixing things to courageously lead, well, you do the math.

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Dream, create, inspire… like you mean it

Walt Disney quote on Disney's Animal Kingdom wall


(photo: Yesterday while visiting Disney’s Animal Kingdom Theme Park for lunch.)

Is your mind small or big?

We walked past about one dozen Walt Disney quote signs. Took a photo of every one.

This is the one that meant the most yesterday.

And it’s the one that means the most as a retiree.

Mid Life Celebration is destroying the notion that balance is a myth.

Don’t believe it?

Many didn’t believe Walt in the early years either.

Doubt and skepticism come from small minds.

Vision and confidence come from dreaming, creating, and inspiring.

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Hands down the single best way to up your game

Columbus Learning Center Ivy Tech Campus
You do not have to be a professor to teach others. All you need is a teacher’s heart.


Want to up your game? Teach what you know to others. You may never be asked to or paid to, so initiate it. To teach is to learn twice. Nothing makes you smarter than teaching.

And nothing makes a teacher smarter still, than practicing what they preach. Most do not. This is where the remarkable teachers have the opportunity obligation to rise above all the others.

And to leave a legacy of having a teacher’s heart.

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