Blogging And Social Media If Done Well, Can Spread Ideas Faster Than Any Other Medium

Epcot's Spaceship Earth Helps Disney Guests Understand The History of Communication

Running TV or newspaper ads is expensive. Or use You Tube, Twitter, Blogging, Facebook, their cost is almost zero.

Hardly a company out there that doesn’t have a “follow us” on Facebook and Twitter. Why is that? Duh. These viral addresses are now as important as a physical address used to be.

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A Conservative Approach Is Customary For Large, Well-Estabished Institutions

It's a social media jungle out there, potentially breathtaking & dangerous on the same day

Organizations with the best reputations and greatest public trust have the most to lose if their social media isn’t specifically and clearly laid out. And even three years later, the social media learning curve is still a curve. The original corporate social media policies laid out broad, general, use-good-judgement verbiage. So much of the Internet landscape was, and still is, a relatively wild frontier.

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Corporate Social Media Policy Had Not Yet Been Invented On A Large Scale

The Power Of A Many Brands Is Based On The Reputation Of It's People

Three years ago, did your organization have an official corporate social media policy? Doubtful. Today? Sure. Industry has mostly caught up with what has been street knowledge for years – social media is invaluable in communicating a brand.

A brand is the first thing someone thinks of when they hear your name. Brands are not always positive. Some brands are so positive, they are the definitive leader: Disney, Apple, Google, Starbucks, ESPN.

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Social Media Has Always Been Acceptable For Personal Use, And Now Finally Widely Accepted For Professional Use

It was three years ago this month that jeff noel began using social media for Mid Life Celebration, LLC, noel’s retirement venture. What few are aware of, is noel was granted an opportunity to blog professionally. From January through July, 2009, noel was given permission to try blogging. He wrote completely on his own and was unendorsed by his organization. It was a very organic process. Armed only with the blessing to try.

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