Midlifers, Would You Rather Go Back Or Go Forward?

These players aren't in Little League any more...

Age old question for mid lifers and other older adults. Would you like to go back and have a chance to do your life over?

Of course, we can’t go back, but we absolutely can do-over. Begin at once to dream about rethinking, reprioritizing and recommitting. jeff noel has done just that. No bull shit crap theory, just real life in real time.

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Trying And Failing Is Better Than Not Trying

Wisdom of the ages is readily available (24/7)

As we move through space and time in our lives, we are faced with many pieces of wisdom that when we’re younger go in one ear and out the other.

By midlife, we Boomers ought to be not only embracing life’s wisdom, but actually mastering it so as to become a role model for the next generation (or our peers).

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Are You A (Great) Fearless Or (Not So Great) Fearful Coach?

Thank you Dr Martin Luther King, Jr for your fearless (and undoubtedly fearful) dream

We have all watched numerous inspirational movies in which a person or team sets out to do something impossible. In the movies, there’s always a coach-type person that pushes or pulls the person or team through to success.

What we often forget from these movies, is how often people and teams fail along their journey. And often, the person or team actually loses. But what made them inspirationally successful, is their gold-medal effort to try.

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The Most Inspirational Movies Of All Time Have A Common Theme

Conflict between what a character wants to become and what the character must do to fulfill their dream. And there’s always that one person who believes in the character’s dream. But the even more amazing part is the degree to which the character must be pushed to succeed, against all odds:

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Midlife Baby Boomers, How’s Your LinkedIn Profile?

From the very beginning, all the pieces look similar

Here’s what a professional antagonist looks like up close and personal. Midlife Baby Boomers, how’s your LinkedIn profile?

Boring. Plain vanilla. Ordinary. And this is assuming you even have a LinkedIn profile. The best time to be putting creative feelers out in the workplace is when you don’t have to. Hello, that would be now!

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