Are you trying to prove something?

mountain top laundry line
Everything i own to function for weeks at a time in the mountain wilderness, minus the running shorts and t-shirt being worn to take this photo, is on this laundry line. Pretty much a simple guy with simple (powerful) priorities.

Are you trying to prove something?


Why do you ask, are you trying to prove something?

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

All work systems go for year 12

Jody Maberry and jeff noel
An unplanned photo while we set up to record in the Cemetery.

April 1, 2009.

Even 11 years ago, the seeds of world-class were looking for fertile soil.

All work systems go for year 12.

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The gift of unassuming goodness

The iterations to land on this image are invisible to all but two people – the graphic designer and me. Photo: stumbled on old files yesterday, from 2010.
So much potential. From 2010.

The gift of unassuming goodness.

The Easter Bunny can’t hold a candle to Santa.

Yet Christmas means nothing without Easter.

In the unexpectedly long duration of atypical Florida beach weather, we (my Family) discovered an unassuming gift.

It is literally monumental.

If we hadn’t been sequestered in our cottage all week, odds are high the gift would still be elusive.

As the years unfold, the gift i write about will become public.

Meanwhile, the gift is changing everything.

The best is yet to come.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HQ, click here.

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To the future

Disney Podcast jeff noel
While the blogs are 10 years old, the “If Disney Ran Your Life” Podcast is only 10 weeks old.

To the future.

Keep moving forward…opening new doors. – Walt

It’s easy to make decisions when you know what your values are. – Roy

If your goal isn’t impossible, you’re not reaching high enough. – jeff

Profit was the goal for Roy. For Walt, profit was the reward.

Walt and Roy were a great duo.

Operationally, profit as the reward is the only scalable, sustainable, long-term way to engage the hearts of the people doing the hard work. With an engaged heart, you’ve got a committed (versus a strictly compliant) team member.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HQ, click here.

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Guess what day the jeff noel Disney podcast is debuting

True for many (you?).

True for everyone reading this.

Guess what day the jeff noel Disney podcast is debuting.

When we spoke on Friday (October 26), January 1st or thereabouts seemed doable.

Fingers crossed this morning (October 30) that in two months, we’ll have a gift and resource for just the right audience.

Who’s the audience?

  1. People who love Disney
  2. People who crave balance in their life
  3. People who know they must invest time, money, and effort into enhancing personal and organizational vibrancy.

So yeah, it may not work.

Yet it could be genius.

Nothing that represents a potential, previously not offered breakthrough ever comes with a guarantee.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HQ, click here.

If you want to stay on this site and read more posts from this Blog, click here.