Yesterday, an aha moment

Yesterday, an aha moment.

i’ve spent countless hours thinking about the tone and message for my new website.

Tough love which is a direct, no-nonsense approach is fading and being replaced with contagious optimism.

A simple change that i believe might change everything.




This website is about our career health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my home health website, click here.


On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since.


Documenting critical milestones is the Disney Way

Disney Leadership Keynote Speaker
From a February 2015 audio visual check at Orlando Marriott World Center


This post went live yesterday. Wrote it 100 days prior. So the emotional excitement motive was cancelled out because of the three-plus month delay.

The motive was, and still is, to record a monumental milestone in a journey that was overwhelmingly destined to fail, but did’t.

It didn’t fail because i never quit even though i didn’t make a dime in over six years. The very first speaking engagement was a turning point. A catalytic milestone that will get lost and forgotten when success becomes the norm.

And now, today, 200 days later, we remember yet again how most success is arduous until it isn’t.

Much of an organization’s heritage is lost on future employees because it’s not perpetuated. Being intentional (like this post) is key to a culture by design.

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Knowing how easy it is to forget is a great way not to

Pool pump pressure gauge
The pressure is always on to get great business results.


Sending the invoice and W-9 to the second client this morning. Signed the contract three days ago on Friday the 13th. There are many small, seemingly insignificant milestones in an entrepreneur’s journey.

Because there are so many, it’s easy to discount the value and importance of each one individually.

Knowing how easy it is to forget is a great way not to.

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Will celebrating milestones help your culture thrive?

Daniel bricks
Who was Daniel and why is his name on some of the bricks?


Should you be let go for our obvious, gross negligence?

Will celebrating milestones help your culture thrive? Of course. Yet it’s astonishing how many people know it but do not actively design their corporate human resource practices with intentionality.

It’s Sunday, January 25, 2015. Who cares? No one.

But what if we recalled that January 25 was jungle jeff’s very first day with the Walt Disney Company?

But it was so long ago, 1982, that it no longer has relevance or value to today’s work.

Epic failure.

Hard to appreciate the Mississippi River without the knowledge of it’s headwaters.

Most of your employees have no knowledge of your founder. Not even if their life depended on it.


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Holy cow this is amazing

Inspiring Facebook update


(photo: It is in the giving that we receive. The long way is the shortcut.)

Do you follow someone with a title or someone with courage?

The weirdest thing yesterday was removing the Disney Institute engagements from the Apple personal calendar for November, December and January.

Weirder still is entering new engagements in their place for Mid Life Celebration.

Holy cow this is amazing.

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