Reason Why People Wait

Note:  I’m talking to the person in the mirror.  Please don’t take this personally.

The reason you wait is because you are afraid.  You are afraid because you are unsure of yourself.  You are unsure of yourself because:

  • You don’t have enough experience
  • You have been burned before
  • Your weaknesses may be exposed
  • You fear rejection
  • You fear failure
  • You may even fear success

Like I said, please don’t take this personally, I’m only talking to the person in the mirror.  Ya with me?

    But The Bigger Question Is?

    Yesterday I eloquently droned on about thinking like a failure, whatever that means, right?

    Well guess what else?  I’d like to drone on about what does yesterday’s post mean to you today?  Because if it meant nothing to you, guess what?

    Seriously, if I have to explain this (again) to you, you may not get it.

    Hey, you do know I’m only talking to myself and none of this is meant to make you feel uncomfortable (yes it is).  Having tough conversations with myself is the most effective way to push the limits of my abilities.

    What do you do to push the limits of your abilities?  You do push yourself, right?

    Fortune Favors The Brave

    Fortune favors the brave.  It does indeed.  But what does that mean, “favors you“?  Or what does it mean, “brave“?

    This sounds pretty inspiring, yet how do we apply it or gauge whether we are brave?  Try this on for size.

    I believe if everyone likes you, you are not brave enough.  Courage implies risk. And risk implies challenging the status quo. Generally, people do not like being challenged.

    This also applies to us when we look in the mirror.  I am often tempted to not  challenge myself to do more, do better, do differently.


    Because it’s too much work, too much risk, too much uncertainty. Isn’t it?  Ever find yourself thinking like this?  Good.

    Most people intuitively understand that hard work pays off, that uncertainty is part of life, that risk is a key ingredient for continuous improvement and that fortune favors the brave.

    Who Is Leading Your Tribe?

    Tribes, by Seth Godin.  Heard of it?  Read it?

    The tag line, “We need you to lead us”, really hits home for me.  Why?

    Because, in today’s world, if you haven’t noticed, there’s a lot of chaos and uncertainty.  “Duh”, right?

    What I’d like to challenge is our predisposition to look to others to be better leaders.  When in reality, the real work, where the biggest need is, is right in front of you as you look in the mirror.

    Quite complaining about others needing to do this or do that – and presumably thinking that your life will get better as soon as “they” change.

    Let the change begin and end with you.  Period.  Because until that happens, you are in no place to expect it from someone else.