But that’s our job – firing people up! Right?

University entrance display
What is leadership? Here it looks important, no?


University entrance display
what is leadership if not setting the example


As leaders, we never rarely ask ourselves (mostly because we’re too busy), “Am I a thermometer or a thermostat?”

More energy is required to keep the heat high all the time. But that’s our job – firing people up!

The difference between our low motivation days and our high motivation days, is, well, motivation.

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You’re Kidding, Right?

Fuel is easy to spot when we're hungry, but what about when we're not motivated?

I’m not kidding. The way to stay motivated is to force yourself to gather enough fuel to sustain you until you need to add fuel again. Such a simple concept. For example, we eat breakfast and a few hours later we need to eat again. Motivation is no different.

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The Teacher Said They Have Very Little Motivation

Is too much of a good thing demotivating?

What do we have if we don’t have motivation to improve? Last night provided an intriguing conversation in which I did very little talking. A teacher from our Son’s school once taught in a frontier area in northern Canada.

Bottom line: the residents are provided significant governmental financial resources, yet have health and wellness issues that defy explanation. Can handouts and subsidies actually worsen a standard of living, reducing one’s motivation?

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Let 2012 Be The Year You Refuse To Quit Or The Year You Begin In Earnest

jeff noel never dreamed nor desired to become a professional speaker

There are things that matter and things that don’t. Our life will be full of surprises and disappointments. Deep down, we Boomers fully understand there is no substitute for hard work. We also know that aiming to do the right thing for the right reasons leads to unexpected blessings. Let 2012 be the year you don’t give up or the year you begin in earnest. Go.

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If It’s Obvious…

Ignoring The Facts Won't Make It Disappear
Ignoring The Facts Won't Make It Disappear

The Responsibility Never Ends

The Responsibility Never Ends

Motivation is like a fire. We need to keep adding fuel to our passions or what happens?

Common sense, but not common practice.

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