Think Like a Failure?

Cybrarian.  Never heard of this person, probably.  No worries.  I had never heard of it until this month.

Librarian.  Everyone’s heard of this person, probably.  The librarian is in charge of the library – the place where books are kept.

How many of you can see it coming?  The day when books will be relics on display in museums. It may not happen in the next 10-20 years, but it will happen.  And it may even happen sooner.

The music industry never saw it coming. They should have led the revolution, instead, they were victims of it.

Free music file sharing over the Internet.  Preposterous!  Exactly.

Cybrarians can see it coming.  Amazon’s Kindle is the first ripple of the cybrarian tsunami.

Surf’s up, dude.  Catch a (digital) wave.

Top 10 WordPress Tips For SEO

Top 10 WordPress Tips For SEO.  Twitter can be very overwhelming and very helpful. Here’s a helpful WordPress Blog Post with 10 tips for using WordPress for Website SEO, Search Engine Optimization.  Click here to read the top 10 WordPress Tips.

If you don’t have a blog, that’s OK, the article probably won’t mean much to you or your business.

Blogging is much easier and much more impactful than you think.

There are early adopters, laggards, and the people in between (the mass consumption). To be world class in business, you have to out work your competition.  Anyone think that’s possible without the Internet?  Without Social Media?

If so, there’s a place reserved for you in the museum, not far from the T-Rex exhibit.