Inspiration At Office Depot?

Magazine Rack At Office Depot

Magazine Rack At Office Depot

Inspiration is the real work of leaders. Sadly, most leaders either aren’t good at it, or can’t make time for it. Can you do the math on that one?

One of the best ways you can inspire others is to first learn how to inspire yourself. On a scale of 1 to 10 (highest), what score to you give yourself?

Two days ago, in the check out line buying toner, I glanced at the magazine rack and caught the quote from Nike’s CEO on the cover of Fast Company. It was nice to find inspiration at Office Depot.

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Real Life In Real Time
Real Life In Real Time

Explaining the Impact of Twitter, Friendfeed and Social Media 2.0

Lance Armstrong, seven-time Tour de France winner and cancer survivor, used Twitter to announce the birth of his son yesterday.

Lance Armstrong gets it.  I get it.  Question is, “What about everyone else who’s focused on excellence”? Having said that, now may I challenge you to click the next link?

Explaining Social Media slide show.  It’s only 37 slides from Slide Share

This is one of the best, and most provocative insights to web 2.0

I ask myself at the end of everyday, “Did I give it my all, and leave nothing on the track“?

Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

PS.  Explaining the Impact of Twitter, Friendfeed and Social Media 2.0.  Be sure to click the full screen icon for a much better view.