jeff noel says, Somebody Stop Me?

Hey, it’s your crazy, one-take-You Tube video guy, jeff noel, here. You know, the five-a-day blogger. Somebody stop this guy. Please.

Did you bust your hump this week? I mean, to deliver excellence in everything you do?

Wait, I’ve got more.  Look, I realize that my style will annoy some people. It’s not intentional.  It’s simply who I am. Okay?

And part of this is the rather intense sense of urgency I feel, which is why we can not wait for others to keep up. Wish there was time to slow down for the slower ones, but there isn’t.

The truth is, being excellent takes everything you’ve got. So if you want to be world-class, but don’t want to work, this ain’t the guy or the blogs for you.

Have fun, avoid negativity, dream big, work hard, be creative, skip excuses, and just keep doing it.

jungle jeff Loves Vision

jungle jeff loves vision.  Being able to see?  You love that?  Well, yes, and that’s not what I meant. Not seeing what’s in front of us now, but seeing what could be in front of us well into the future.

“Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.” Japanese proverb

If you went and looked in the mirror and were compellingly honest, which side of the Japanese Proverb would you fall into?  The left side or the right?

“A frog in a well can not conceive of the ocean”. — Japanese Proverb

Hope you can comprehend the first proverb.  If you have the title (real or assumed) and you don’t understand it, go look in the mirror again.  Are you an amphibian?

It’s been said, “The unexamined life is not worth living”.  Carpe diem.

Are you by design or by default?

Is your corporate cultureBy Design” or “By Default“?

Do you even know what I’m taking about?

Is your personal cultureBy Design” or “By Default“?

Or, does your culture “just sort of happen”?

I’d bet a majority of you still don’t know what I’m talking about.  That’s ok.  No worries.  Hakuna matata.

When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.

Make your day purposeful, by design.  If you don’t, who will?  Carpe diem, jungle jeff  🙂