Dear Chapin…

post it hand written note from father to son
Most important to remember, “i love you.” Second most important is this post-it note.

Every month Martín’s parents took a trip to see Grandma and came home on the same train the next day. 

One day the child said to his parents:

′′I’m already grown up. 

Can I go to my grandma’s alone?”

After a brief discussion, his parents accepted.

They stood with him as he waited for the train to exit.

They said goodbye to their son and gave him some tips through the window. 

Martin repeated to them:

′′I know. I’ve been told this more than a thousand times.”

As the train was about to leave, his father murmured in his ear:

′′Son if you feel bad or insecure, this is for you!”

And he put something in his pocket.

Now Martin was alone, 

sitting on the train as he had wanted,

without his parents for the first time.

He was admiring the landscape out the window. 

Around him some unknowns pushed themselves in. 

They made a lot of noise.

They got in and out of the train car. 

The conductor made some comments about him being alone.

One person looked at him with eyes of sadness.

Martin was feeling more uneasy with 

every minute that passed. 

And now he was scared.

He felt cornered and alone. 

He put his head down, and

with tears in his eyes,

He remembered his dad had 

Put something in his pocket.

Trembling, he searched for what his father had given him.

Upon finding the piece of paper he read it:

′′Son, I’m in the last train car!”.

That’s how life is,

We must let our kids go

We must let them try new things. 

But we always like to be

In the last car, watching,

in case they are afraid 

or in case they find obstacles and don’t know what to do.

We want to be close to them.

as long as we are still alive. 

(Adapted from Unknown author)

(note, this isn’t adapted by me…entire piece copied and pasted)

Insight: Everything i have taught you, written, and written some more for you, recorded for you, done with you, equates to me sitting in the last train car.

•  •  •  •  •

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John Maxwell Quote

Time Waits For No One
Time Waits For No One

Quote from John Maxwell, courtesy of Bob Stewart.

“Law of the Niche: People are most valuable where they add the most value.”

Duh, right?  No brainer.  Obvious. Get a clue. You can’t be serious.

In the hectic pace with which we travel through our days (weeks, months), we often miss the most basic of life’s truths.

This happens to me with our son.  I’ll get caught up in my work, and the next thing you know, the week has flown by and our son has done amazing things, but guess who hasn’t noticed?  Guess who wasn’t there to add a little coaching, a little fun, a little encouragement?

Guess what else?

Life is like this.  Always was, is now, and always will be. Whatever your level in your organization, you must find your own ways to stay engaged, to stay passionate.

I see so many people who are stuck.  Many of them leaders, responsible for inspiring and developing others, the way a parent does with children.

They get stuck managing their to-do list instead of inspiring and developing their people.  Just like a Parent.  Just like me.

But the days (weeks, months) fly by.

Our son can not wait for me to find the time.  His life marches on at an incredible pace. He will not slow down for me. I must find the way(s) to keep up with him.

Same is true as a leader, and as an employee who follows orders. Same as you. You must figure this out yourself and not wait.

Because if you don’t, what are you stuck with?