Dear Son, can trying not so hard be a breakthrough?

Holy Family Catholic Church Orlando
Compelled to take this photo from the last row, next to the “Cry Room”.


i’ve always believed this to be true, but am not sure i can recall the last time it felt real – felt transformational.

Letting go of any motive that isn’t genuine.

i continue to write because i’ve discovered how much it transforms me – one single, solitary day (step) at a time.

i began writing seven years ago because i thought it was the best way to be a successful speaker.


But now i see why, and it is not for the reasons i originally thought.

The harder i work, the luckier i get. Seems so anyway.




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Walt Disney inspires blogging

I mean seriously, it’s just a haircut.

There are as many reasons to focus on excellence, as there are to not focus.

So who’s right?

Is it those crazy, fanatical people who only settle for excellence?

Or those that say life is too short to worry about all that?

What do you think?

Which one are you?
