Cautious Loyalty?

Stairway to Organizational Heaven?
Stairway to Organizational Heaven?

Has it ever crossed your mind?

Loyalty. Organizational loyalty. The loyalty you show. The loyalty you receive.

And even if, for what ever reason, you question your current loyalty, where else would you go to find it?

Catch 22, isn’t it?

Here’s a provocative perspective from a business contact from LinkedIn.

Click here to read David Noer’s blog post: The Necessary Paradox of Cautious Loyalty.

Are You Forgettable?

What Are You?
What Are You?

What are you, if you are anything but unforgettable?

  • Forgettable
  • Average
  • Ordinary
  • Plain Vanilla
  • Doomed

These things make a strong case for one target.  Unforgettable.

Are You Serious? (part 2)

Here’s the secret to “Are You Serious”, from yesterday’s post.

Think. Read.  Watch. Listen.  Talk. Write.  Blog.

A lot.

Then repeat.

For example.  I invested about about 30 minutes Sunday to listen to THIS.

That’s how I do it.  And yes, I are serious. 🙂

PS.  If you missed it two sentences up, (click THIS) Seth Godin explains, book by book, his thinking with each book.  If you are serious about becoming better, this will rock your thinking – especially if you are a traditionalist.

Are You Serious?

Are you serious about becoming better at what you do?

I’m guessing that most people will answer, “Of course”.

Gonna call your bluff.  Most people, and perhaps you’re the exception, just don’t have it in them to do the hard work .

They have the dream, the desire, the will, but something is missing.

The demands on our time are literally all-consuming. This simple fact makes it hard to stay focused.

When we lack excellent focus, our results are less than our expectations.  When this happens, we begin to doubt ourselves.  How do I know?  Because I’m just like every body else.  Just like you.

The one difference I’ve found that most others haven’t?  Tomorrow. I’ll share it tomorrow.

Is This A Purple Cow?

Seth Godin’s book, Purple Cow, is about how to be remarkable.  If you’ve ever flown before, you know what a flight attendant does.

Or do you:

OK, I’ve seen a ton of flight attendants. There are the traditional items that must be covered.

But how there are covered has yet to be defined, or may never be defined. This Southwest Airlines Flight attendant is remarkable.

Bottom line:  in a highly competitive world, playing it safe is risky.