Pretty sure this ain’t emphasized in business school

Game Changer t-shirt


(photo: MBA = managing business administration… it gets real when it’s yours, not someone else’s.)

First rule of negotiation.

Be able and willing to walk away from every opportunity.

Not being able to walk away cripples your soul.

Pretty sure this ain’t emphasized in business school enough to be the first rule of negotiation. It’s covered, but not emphatically driven home.

It gets real when your MBA is your business administration, not a piece of paper and resume booster.

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Toughen Up Children

Are you on Facebook? One of my friends, blessed with a higher education and a serious career, just joined Facebook a few days ago. This morning, she had 8 Friends.

Not everyone is on Facebook. That is, not everyone over 30. Nearly everyone under 30 is.

This update came through last night and and I followed a comment link to 11 rules kids will not learn in school, but should.

We often hear adults complain about the younger generations, and that children need to toughen up.

Well guess who influenced these children?

Maybe we should be saying, “Toughen up adults. Lead the way, don’t get in the way.”

What do you think?

Think about it. I’m heading over to

PS. Rule #1 – Life is not fair.

How Important Is Money To You?

Money.  Can’t live with it, can’t live without it.  Money has always been my biggest stressor.

Eventually, I learned a very simple and very profound rule.  It is the first rule that should be learned.

  • Spend less than you earn

What made this most basic of rules so elusive for me, is that I did not subscribe to common sense.  A million reasons for that, which I’ll not even attempt to address.

The second rule I learned is have a business.  After reading “Rich Dad Poor Dad” last Christmas, my whole mindset about money was changed forever….