jeff noel Asks, If You See A Very Large Unfamiliar Spider, Should You Touch It?

Tarantula, Zion National Park October 2011

Reaching midlife is something we Baby Boomers take for granted, mostly. What’s allowed us to survive, mostly, is a lower-grade of common sense. What gets in the way of us thriving in midlife is a complete and utter avoidance of a higher-grade common sense.

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If Common Sense Makes Sense, Then Doesn’t It Make No Sense To Not Practice It?

If it's mid-February in Iowa, it's probably cold outside
Snow like this is from cold weather

Fellow Boomers, play along with jeff noel here, okay? It’s mid-February in Iowa, there’s a couple inches of snow on the ground and you need to walk across town. Let’s assume you’re not 21, but rather 51. Will you wear warm clothes for your 15-minute walk? Answer’s obvious – in this example and almost everything else life throws at us.

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Boomers Know Common Sense When They See It And Boomers Know It When They Don’t

Boomers know common sense when they see it, Boomers know it when they don't

This picture makes no sense. It’s not a football or basketball score. So what the heck is it? Doesn’t matter. What matters is that common sense is easy to see because it, well, it just makes sense. Period. We Boomers know this intuitively. We’ve lived it. But the bigger point is this, are we applying it today?

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How Often Do Baby Boomers Hear Great Things Can Be Attributed To Common Sense?

jeff noel is here to lead The Movement, a common sense approach to personal responsibility

Yesterday concluded November’s jungle jeff posts with the category, Am I The Only One. December is dedicated to Common Sense. This could be our golden ticket to life work balance and overall wellness. Boomers, how often do we hear about great things being attributed to common sense application?

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