Action demonstrates personal leadership more than any book full of theories

Gapingvoid art screenshot
Photo: screenshot from yesterday’s @gapingvoid art email.


Dear Son, when you look back on these years, may you find the constant lessons you received from me remarkably helpful. And may you smile from the keen understanding that the lessons were from action, not theory.

Completing the packing yesterday for a trip that begins tomorrow means that today the traveler doesn’t need to worry about packing.

A brief, simple call yesterday, even though i have a Four Seasons Denver confirmation number, provides a peace of mind that was easy to guarantee.

Small actions demonstrate personal leadership more than any book full of theories.

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Normal versus average

Usain Bolt 2015 race calendar
Is Usain Bolt abnormal?


Normal versus average.

Normal is not measurable.

The average – or the mean – is measurable.

Big difference.

One is indisputable.

One completely depends on biased opinion.

Dear Son, never forget our discussion about normal yesterday.

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John Maxwell Quote

Time Waits For No One
Time Waits For No One

Quote from John Maxwell, courtesy of Bob Stewart.

“Law of the Niche: People are most valuable where they add the most value.”

Duh, right?  No brainer.  Obvious. Get a clue. You can’t be serious.

In the hectic pace with which we travel through our days (weeks, months), we often miss the most basic of life’s truths.

This happens to me with our son.  I’ll get caught up in my work, and the next thing you know, the week has flown by and our son has done amazing things, but guess who hasn’t noticed?  Guess who wasn’t there to add a little coaching, a little fun, a little encouragement?

Guess what else?

Life is like this.  Always was, is now, and always will be. Whatever your level in your organization, you must find your own ways to stay engaged, to stay passionate.

I see so many people who are stuck.  Many of them leaders, responsible for inspiring and developing others, the way a parent does with children.

They get stuck managing their to-do list instead of inspiring and developing their people.  Just like a Parent.  Just like me.

But the days (weeks, months) fly by.

Our son can not wait for me to find the time.  His life marches on at an incredible pace. He will not slow down for me. I must find the way(s) to keep up with him.

Same is true as a leader, and as an employee who follows orders. Same as you. You must figure this out yourself and not wait.

Because if you don’t, what are you stuck with?

Nine-year old blogger!

Nine-year old Blogger
Nine years old blogger

I asked our Son (9) to write something publically. I told him the act of hitting publish is scary for many adults. So he should try to see if it scares him. in a moment, we’ll see if he conquered that fear. Meanwhile, I’d like to ask if you are waiting for some special removal of fear before you begin doing what you really want to do, but are too afraid to hit publish.

Ok, take it away Chapin…

“Hello! I’m a blogger! Chapin Noel (my dad’s son) is your writer today.  Hey, you know Jay Lenno and Wanda Sykes? (no offense).How about comedy with a little less cursing? Would you like that?……… O.K., I CAN’T TALK TO YOU, SO I’LL DO IT!

Joke 1: how the animals got their ages

One day, god summoned the animals all around the world to tell him how long they would like to live.

First, he asked the dog, he said; “Dog, I offer you 20 (twenty) years of chasing squirrels, guarding houses, and being petted.”

“Twenty years!” He exclaimed. “How about ten.” So, the dog lives ten years.

Next, he asked the horse. “Horse, you can go about frolicking, grazing, and transporting for 35 (thirty-five) years.”

“Thirty five!? D-d-d-the  playoffs!? Are you kidding me!? MAKE IT 15!!!!!” Encouraged the horse. “Does it LOOK like I kid?” So, the horse lives 15 years.

Then god did the same with the human.”Human, I give you 20 years to PARTAY(!) and do whatever, whenever!”

The human, (as “greedy” as it can be) was like vice versa all over again. “Just 20? That’s like, $2.99 for a reservation at a hotel. Now, now, let’s make it 80-100, shall we?”

“Well, the first ten years, you play around a lot, then from ages 16-59, you  do a lot  of work, and then, when you’re 60+, you start barking like a dog at people while on your front porch.

EEK! I SAID TO MUCH ALREADY! Bye! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂