How losing focus breeds personal contempt

Hidden in Steve’s 45-second video message is this insight: People no smarter than us have shaped life as we know it. Nothing excludes us from doing this except one thing – belief.

Here’s to the crazy ones.



Actions speak louder than words. And no one ever builds a reputation on what they’re going to do.

When we’re stuck, we slow down. Our focus gets blurry. And without focus we slowly become unmotivated.

This breeds a personal contempt that helps the cycle feed on itself. The key to starving this beast is to find or claim your purpose in life.

Without purpose, hope fades.

With purpose, hope feeds desire and desire feeds forward progress.

Moving forward feeds on itself and life is good again.

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Steve Jobs speaks about failure in this 90-second video

Steve Jobs speaks about failure in this 90-second video. Steve’s key message? Ask!



Had no idea the tablet was the first path and by mistake, they stumbled onto the iPhone imperative.

Who knew?

And how does this inspire any of us to think and act differently today, or tomorrow?

Especially when it would be far easier to stay on the pre-planned path.

Next Blog


Got Apple, Steve Jobs?

“Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”
– Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs, the American computer pioneer who cofounded Apple, is known for his intensity, his brashness, and his focus on elegant design. He was born in 1955 in San Francisco. At age 21, he and Steve Wozniac built the first Apple computer in his garage. Its successor, the Macintosh, introduced the mouse. After Jobs was ousted from Apple, he bought Pixar Animation, creator of Toy Story and Finding Nemo. On his return to Apple, he introduced the iMac and iPod, restoring the company’s luster. He now lives in California with his wife and three children.

Are you passionately following your dreams?

Being organized can help you keep your dream alive.

4 Truths About Overnight Success

This two-minute Pixar Story Trailer video will have four sound bite answers to the truth about overnight success.

If you are dreaming of breaking the mold in your life, and doing work that matters (more than you are doing now) this may feed your soul.

A very special thank you to Mike Reardon for finding this and sharing it on his blog.