Guard your secret ingredients

Palm trees reflecting in a window
The woodwork first caught my eye, but it was the faint palm tree reflections that prompted this photo.


Colonial Sanders Kentucky Fried Chicken secret recipe.

Coca-Cola’s secret recipe.

Apple’s operating system.

jeff noel’s organizational vibrancy architecture.

Over-focus on the same thing others under-focus on or ignore.


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If you only remember two things

Disney executive coach jeff noel
If you only remember two things…


At the end of two full days of teaching, what are the two most important things to remember – if you don’t remember anything else, what will guide you?


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The thesis for Disney Leadership

Disney Leadership Keynote Speaker
Great leaders never start their day unprepared.


The list of things i learned about leadership during a 30-year career at Disney is a mile long.

However the thesis statement is simple:

We judge ourselves on our intentions, others judge us on our behaviors.

Profoundly simple. Simply profound.

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Midlife Celebration’s jeff noel Is Here To Summarize All The Leadership Books & Article Wisdom Into One Word

Take any setting where trust is important...
It can be serious, fun, whatever....
Along comes someone who has a reputation....
What do you do? Control the controllables.

Every book, article, blog, class on leadership all say the same thing. But they don’t come out and identify it as a single word. Not because it’s not important, but because few people think in terms of the most important word, period. That’s what jeff noel at Midlife Celebration has been doing for years – creating the thesis’ for complex, important topics.

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