Number One Reason

Last weekend, my son (9) and I were relaxing in our pool at sunset.  I asked him, “You know why I’m working so hard on the business, right”?

“In case you lose your job”?, he said, questioning.

“Well sort of, but not really because of that.  I would like to have more control over the impact one can make on our world.  Being a business owner doesn’t guarantee that, but it sure does increase the odds”.

Reminded him of the power of hard work and how it’s harder at the beginning, in virtually everything, because there’s so much to learn.

Funny thing, for a nine-year old, he gets it.  And it’s easy to see why.

When his Dad became a parent, he worked really hard at the beginning, because there was so much to learn.

PS.  What I didn’t tell him is the “business” is my attempt to help raise enough money to find a cure for his disease.

jungle jeff is on purpose

jungle jeff is on purpose.

Are you on purpose? If you are, fantastic.  If you’re not, there’s hope. Surely you believe there’s hope.

Walt Disney’s “Small World” is a classic song of hope.

Here are a few things I did to get and stay “on purpose”:

  1. Thought about my purpose.  A lot.
  2. Observed others who where on purpose.
  3. Observed others who weren’t.
  4. Evaluated the pros & cons for both.
  5. Committed to figuring it out.
  6. Visualized it.  Tasted it.  Felt it.
  7. Never gave up.
  8. Wrote it down.  Crafted every word.
  9. Eventually, made it ridiculously simple (from 463 words to two).
  10. Lived it.  Living it.  Carpe diem.

Did I get it right the very first time?  No.

Was is hard to do?  Yes.

Did it take a long time?  Yes.

In my opinion, if you want to unleash your fullest potential, you will do the hard work to figure this out.

Walt Disney and jungle jeff have a lot in common.  Carpe diem, jungle jeff :).

Twitterdom or Wisdom?

Click below to read…….

Twitterdom or Wisdom?

This thought-provoking article is worth a few minutes of your time.

Oh, I almost forgot, you don’t have 180 seconds to spare.

I was at Starbucks on Friday and ordered a tall (which is really a small – too funny) cup of coffee.  They were out.  So if Starbucks has to brew a fresh pot for you – in 180 seconds – they provide it complimentary.

When he made the offer, I thought, “I don’t have three minutes.  I gotta get going“.

Then it hit me, “If you don’t have 180 seconds to spare in your life, you better go look in the mirror and ask why”, I said to myself.

It was amazing, in those brief three minutes, what I saw in the mirror.

I saw a man who has a difficult time fitting all life’s puzzle pieces together.  But a man who doesn’t give up.

I was sad and happy all in the course of 180 seconds.

After picking up my son at summer camp, we went to Gold’s Gym for an hour.

It was a great day, because I took even more time to reflect on what’s important, and then acted on it

Carpe diem, jungle jeff 🙂

The Clock IS Ticking!

The clock IS ticking!
The clock IS ticking!
I often lose track of time.  At work and in life, it’s very busy, all the time.  Does this sound familiar?   Or am I alone on this journey?   What really motivates me at work and in life, is to know the clock IS ticking.  What I love about a deadline is the simple and profound fact that it provides me with FOCUS!   Without a deadline, I lack focus.   Today, I’m focused.  I have some key deadlines.  I had to carve out time to think about what was important, and when I was going to begin, and accomplish, those important goals.  I’m pretty good at kicking myself in the buttocks.  Are you?  Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

jeff noel + blog =?

Hey, business blogs and professional networking are occupying a big part of my dreaming capacity these days.    How is it with you?   The dreaming part.

To me, dreaming is synonymous with vision, in my opinion.

How important is vision?  What is your vision each and every day.  This can be challenging to answer.


Because we often don’t think about it.  Why?  Because we are so busy trying to accomplish what’s directly in front of us.  Am I wrong?

Wanted to add a quick post  to share a vision that business blogs and social networking will someday soon be an energizing force to help make the world a better place.  I can feel it in my bones.

What are you passionate about?  What do you dream about?  Who needs to be involved?  How long do you have?

When do you find time to think of questions like these, let alone answer them?

I’m challenging myself to work harder and smarter than ever.  I hope you do what feels right for you, and for your organization.

To me, it feels like the clock is ticking faster.  The competition, working harder.  Carpe diem, jungle jeff noel  🙂