Four Tips to Be World Class

How does a person or an organization become world class, and stay world class? Here are four tips to do just that.  First, however we need to state the obvious:

It’s a double edge sword isn’t it?  If consistency is the hallmark or quality, and continuous improvement is the key to becoming (and sustaining) world class status, how do you balance risk and reward?

Let’s use this example from yesterday.

As a professional speaker, there are several goals for every presentation:

  • Give a speech to change the world
  • Never give the same speech twice
  • Ask great questions
  • Get the audience to reveal the key points

Let’s review from a different angle, what you just read:

  • Have passion and faith that impossible is possible
  • Be authentic, not going through the motions
  • Know where you want to go and be prepared to get there
  • Lead, don’t manage

The second set of bullet points states the common sense theories that we all nod our heads in agreement when we hear them.

The first set illustrates how I internalized these common sense things to make them work for my particular role in the business world.

Now it’s your turn. Take the four common sense bullet points and make them your own.  Tomorrow, I’ll share how practicing what I preach led to an amazing result.

You don’t have to any of this.  And maybe that’s a leader’s biggest challenge, doing what’s easier rather than what’s harder.  So here’s a fifth tip – being world class means out working your competition.  Most people hate to admit this.  And then they wonder why they aren’t world class.

jungle jeff Leadership 101 Tip

jungle jeff Leadership 101 Tip:

“Leadership  – Inspiring others by the courage of your own example”.

This is the essence of what I personally believe is the ultimate leadership definition.

Perhaps the best way to fully understand its meaning is to re-read it, think deeply about it, and ultimately, evaluate our own “daily examples”.  This would lead us to a “personal leadership score”.

We would base our “score” on our daily leadership example.  And our basis should be brutally honest.

It seems, to me, that on days where I don’t need much courage, I’m probably not a very good example.  Hope today is a courage-filled day for all of us.

Are You Serious?

Are you serious about becoming better at what you do?

I’m guessing that most people will answer, “Of course”.

Gonna call your bluff.  Most people, and perhaps you’re the exception, just don’t have it in them to do the hard work .

They have the dream, the desire, the will, but something is missing.

The demands on our time are literally all-consuming. This simple fact makes it hard to stay focused.

When we lack excellent focus, our results are less than our expectations.  When this happens, we begin to doubt ourselves.  How do I know?  Because I’m just like every body else.  Just like you.

The one difference I’ve found that most others haven’t?  Tomorrow. I’ll share it tomorrow.

Stories Make It Stick

Three things Lee Cockerell told me when I asked his advice on public speaking, in 1999:

  1. Be passionate
  2. Tell stories
  3. Use personal examples

Here’s a fourth tip.  Benchmark.  Click here to do that right now.

Make your day GREAT.  It’s up to you.  Always has been.  Always will be.  Be inspired. Or not.

Twitter, Tweets and Tips

Click 101 Twitter Tips to see a pile of great ways to use Twitter more effectively.

Are you still trying to figure out Twitter, Tweets, Retweets, FollowFriday, # hashtags, @ and other Twitter stuff?  Me too.  It’s not that it’s difficult.  It simply a matter of finding time to read, try, read some more and retry.

Good luck with Twitter, Facebook, You Tube, Skype, flickr, LinkedIn, or whatever else you use to stay connected and grow.

That’s really what life is about isn’t it – growing.  If you’re not growing, then the blinding flash of the obvious is, you are ……