The Key To Passion

The key to passion is to move from selfishness to selflessness.

When I earnestly try to comprehend this, it begins to transform my motives.

Motives drive thinking and thinking drives behavior.

Behavior drives whether or not we are selfish, or selfless.

It’s very simple.  Very elusive.  And yet, it’s the proverbial pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. We all know this to be true, eventually, if we live long enough.

Whether we act on this new found knowledge determines our outcome in life.

And this outcome will determine whether we gave or took, whether or not we harnessed the key to passion.  Whether we were a follower or a leader.

Wasn’t Looking for This

Writing five blogs every day has wonderful, and may I audaciously say, transformational benefits.  Far beyond what was ever thought possible.  And yet….

What comes along with the good – and everyone knows this as a “truth” – is the bad.  The bad in this case is writers block.  My first little bout came and went a few days ago.  It lasted a couple days.  Triggered mostly by time pressures, not lack of desire.

Anyway, following a daily routine of scanning Facebook, Twitter, LnkedIn, blogs, etc, I stumbled upon a LinkedIn status update.

Susan Harrow’s article, Changing Your Body Changes Your Self, is definitely worth a quick read.  Why?  Because she speaks about what is common knowledge, but not common practice.

One of the best ways to change our bodies is to use common sense. One of the best ways to use common sense is to focus on it every day. Ya with me?  Every single day.  Period.  Carpe diem.