Got daily work vibrancy? (reprise)

book about Walt Disney
Being free to do the art you were born to create is glorious. Not everyone will embrace your career vibrancy. In fact, many will be jealous. Accept this as par for the course and do your best to not poke the proverbial hornet’s nest.

Got daily work vibrancy? (reprise)


And thanks for being inspired and unafraid to love creating art for our world’s benefit.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Got daily work vibrancy?

Disney Keynote Speakers
Be a vibrancy role model. Jake (left) and i were Disney Traditions instructors the same year, 1988. Photo: Yesterday we bumped into each other on Main Street USA.

Got daily work vibrancy?

Why not?

You deserve work vibrancy.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Bank on your work history

child with teddy bear
Parenting. Ultimate leadership role. Thank you Disney and Disney Institute for making me a better leader – Disney business wisdom prepared me to learn how to be an intentional dad.

Bank on your work history.

What got you to career vibrancy is remarkable.

Bank on it.

Ignore the critics.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Reputation Vibrancy menu

Cinderella mosaic at Cinderella Castle
When the slipper fit on Cinderella’s foot, her stepsister’s faces became green with envy and red with rage.

Reputation Vibrancy.

You come to know the true meaning of Reputation Vibrancy when you learn to focus on it every day.

Menu offerings:

  1. Promise vibrancy
  2. Deliver vibrancy
  3. Connect vibrancy

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

How i create work vibrancy

Things i do to create (4) work vibrancy:

  • (5) Create home vibrancy
  • (1) Create mental vibrancy
  • (2) Create physical vibrancy
  • (3) Create spiritual vibrancy

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.