Speaking of legendary…entrepreneurs…

entrepreneurial spirit
an entrepreneurial 3rd grade teacher challenging the students to look at tradition differently

Yesterday someone said (in an apparently concerned sort of way) their work department was very much like an entrepreneurial startup (like the dot com boom stereotypes), even though the company is nearly 90 years old.

Afterwards it occurred to me… That’s the underlying reason the company is nearly 90 years old.

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Work Life Saver

People Talk About You All The Time
People Talk About You All The Time

Balance can ruin a career, and it can save a career.

I heard a story about Walt Disney’s wife, secretary and even his physician, all saying, “Walt, you need to get a hobby or you’ll work yourself into an early grave.”

Having the distraction of a hobby can actually make you sharper, more focused, more creative, more observant.

And if your hobby not only fuels your passion, but also teaches you more than you could have ever imagined, imagine that!

People who study Walt Disney’s life know that he was labeled by many as crazy.  And that he insisted on nothing short of perfection. Always aim for perfection he’d say, and settle for excellence.

This is how life works. We face countless challenges. People may call us crazy, demanding.

They may also call us passionate, purposeful, visionary.

A real, work life saver.

Does Perfection Matter?

What's Your Impossible?
What's Your Impossible?

Lance Armstrong and the Tour de France. Is there anyone out there who doesn’t know what Lance Armstrong has done for bicycling, what he has done for Cancer patients, or what he has done for the pursuit of excellence, in anything, not just bicycling?

Walt Disney said, “Aim for perfection, settle for excellence”.

Two nights ago, leaving the Mall, this picture of Lance Armstrong was in a storefront window, Sunglass Hut, I think. Anyway, it captured a thought in my grey matter and I wondered if chasing perfection matters at all. Or does it only matter to the game-changers? Whaddaya think?

Walt Disney Was Inspired

Walt Disney was inspired. No one was more passionate about his vision for Family Entertainment than he was.

And when Walt Disney died in 1966, his brother, Roy O. Disney, had a big decision to make.

Walt Disney and his associates purchased 43-square miles of virgin swamp, pine forest and oak hammock in central Florida. They bought it cheap. Roy Disney could sell it cheap, and just get out of the deal. I mean, the great visionary is gone and the project hadn’t yet begun.

We can all be thankful Roy chose to finish his brother’s vision for EPCOT. Some are sad and say Walt Disney never got to see his vision come to life. Disney fanatics like me say, he saw his vision so clearly, that others could see it and couldn’t help but make it a reality.

A wonderful place where fantasy is real, and reality is fantastic. Like last night when my son and I stopped by the Magic Kingdom, on the way home from the Apple Store, for a Dole Whip and a parade, the Main Street Electrical Parade.