Reason Why People Wait

Note:  I’m talking to the person in the mirror.  Please don’t take this personally.

The reason you wait is because you are afraid.  You are afraid because you are unsure of yourself.  You are unsure of yourself because:

  • You don’t have enough experience
  • You have been burned before
  • Your weaknesses may be exposed
  • You fear rejection
  • You fear failure
  • You may even fear success

Like I said, please don’t take this personally, I’m only talking to the person in the mirror.  Ya with me?

    Walt Disney’s Birthday

    Walt Disney was born December 5, 1901.  Yesterday, if Walt Disney was still alive, he would have been 108.

    Some people actually live that long.  Walt Disney did not.  Not even close.

    Walt Disney’s death on December 15, 1966 shocked the world.

    It didn’t shock The Walt Disney World Resort, because construction for Walt Disney World hadn’t begun at the time of Walt Disney’s death.

    Walt Disney World, or, EPCOT – Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow – as it was called at the time of Walt Disney’s death, did not open until October 1, 1971.

    People can only begin to fantasize about what the World would be like if Walt Disney were still alive.

    Trophy Value

    Last night as my wife and I celebrated our 25th anniversary with our great company, it really hit me.  I mean, it seriously hit me.  And it really comes as no surprise.  However, because of it’s simplicity, it is rampantly commonly overlooked.

    Great companies are founded and grow for one simple reason: They want to make a difference in the lives of others.

    Plus, great companies reward loyalty with valuable trophies. Trophy value is a priceless, intangible reminder that an employee’s longevity is an integral part of being world-class.

    Say what you want, but nothing changes the fact that there is an unstoppable force when people are led with passion and are committed to make a difference.

    And then it occurred to me this morning, that’s why I write five daily blogs.  I mean, who does that?

    Does this mean I get another trophy?

    Is This A Purple Cow?

    Seth Godin’s book, Purple Cow, is about how to be remarkable.  If you’ve ever flown before, you know what a flight attendant does.

    Or do you:

    OK, I’ve seen a ton of flight attendants. There are the traditional items that must be covered.

    But how there are covered has yet to be defined, or may never be defined. This Southwest Airlines Flight attendant is remarkable.

    Bottom line:  in a highly competitive world, playing it safe is risky.

    Mantra, Mantra, Mantra

    Mantra, mantra, mantra.

    From Wikipedia:  A mantra is a sound, syllable, word, or group of words that are considered capable of “creating transformation” (cf. spiritual transformation).[1] Their use and type varies according to the school and philosophy associated with the mantra.

    I will not be discouraged.

    I will not be discouraged.

    I will not be discouraged.

    There will be  times when you think the path you’re on – the one you convinced yourself and others was absolutely the way – may actually be wrong.

    This is why courage and perseverance were invented.