Somebody Stop jeff noel Before He Gives Us So Many Examples We Can’t See Straight

In 1984 another dream, leave Washington State behind, and own a home within 5 minutes of Walt Disney World.

We had one car & two bikes, and lived 30 miles from work. Cheryl got the car. jeff noel peddled…30 miles each day to Disney’s Contemporary Resort.

It took 7 years to get out of debt and climb the ladder high enough to finally afford the dream. This is where we live today, our 2nd, and possibly, final home. Takes a John Deere to mow it.

The harder you work, the luckier you get. And be careful for what you wish for. Sometimes it’s a trap.

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Don’t Get Arrested

Do what you fear, but don’t get arrested.  Sometimes, if not more often, we must do what we fear to overcome it.

This has been challenging, considering  all the places I’ve lived and worked – 35 years in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Idaho, Florida and Washington State.

Bottom line, my thirst for pushing boundaries tends to threaten others. Since turning 50 in June, I have flat out accepted this is who I am – a game changer.  Maybe this will be September’s theme.  Maybe not.

Let’s go back two days to The Ledge, at the western hemisphere’s tallest building:

Went out on The Ledge five times. Would have done it even more, except it was a very busy Friday night in Chicago.

“So what”? Exactly.  So what!  I’ve never been more impatient with the status quo.

Turbulent times call for unprecedented creative efforts.  In order to teach our son patience, I constantly remind myself to relax and be patient.  One day soon, some one will ask, “Will you share your vision with us”?

While I went to The Ledge five times that night, Walt Disney lived his whole life on The Ledge.  Wonder if we’re related. Carpe diem, jungle jeff 🙂