How Often Do Baby Boomers Hear Great Things Can Be Attributed To Common Sense?

jeff noel is here to lead The Movement, a common sense approach to personal responsibility

Yesterday concluded November’s jungle jeff posts with the category, Am I The Only One. December is dedicated to Common Sense. This could be our golden ticket to life work balance and overall wellness. Boomers, how often do we hear about great things being attributed to common sense application?

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Would Anyone Notice If You Quit?

Where Did Everyone Go?

jeff noel, Midlife Celebration’s prolific blogger, floats an interesting question today. Would anyone notice if you stopped, you know, quit?:

  • Reading leadership articles
  • Praying for those less fortunate
  • Kissing your loved ones good night
  • Giving money to charity
  • Being careful what you eat

Would they?

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It Feels Really Good To Write What You Think And Feel In Such A Public Fashion Using Social Media

jeff noel writes five daily, differently-themed blogs on Life's Big Choices

There is no privacy left in the world. Anonymity, sure. But anyone accepting a leadership role will be scrutinized. Anyone pushing others to excel will be held up for judgement. One of the best ways to discover (and maybe prove) who you are, is through the simple act of writing publicly. Those who’ve never tried it will of course lead the efforts to find fault and error. Those who’ve initiated writing, will of course know the cathartic properties.

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So Back To jeff noel’s Early Blogging Activity

You learn about social media the same way you eat an elephant - one bite at a time

Sales is the transfer of enthusiasm. In 2009, no one had, nor has now, more passion for blogging than jeff noel, The Blog Whisperer, The Internet’s Only Five-A-Day Blogger, and America’s Work Life Balance Expert. What noel learned early on is that few knew (and not much has changed) about blogging and how it can help organizations spread ideas. Seth Godin is the original idea virus spreader. God bless Seth for being indispensible.

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jeff noel, The Blog Whisperer, Discovered Quickly That Google Says He’s Not The Creator

Writing and touching lives go hand in hand

Yesterday, jeff noel, The Blog Whisperer, discovered through Google that “writer’s high” is not his original creation. Know how this makes jeff noel feel? No difference whatsoever. noel learned long ago to separate his ideas from his identity. What he can’t separate is his writing from his daily activities.

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