Not sure I’ll ever travel with a MacBook again…

Traveling light is an art… and a mindset… this red ball is not designed to be light…

weight throw

It’s designed to be heavy… to increase the level of difficulty to throw it far.

weight throw

Not sure I’ll ever travel with a MacBook again… not because it’s a bad laptop, but because the iPad, and WordPress, have so much to offer in 2012.

Insight: Becoming familiar with the iPad’s and WordPress’ current platform capabilities was very simple. But I hand’t tried sooner. Shame on me.

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How often do you have a business epiphany?

Seven business owners offered their websites for public critique by a panel of WordPress experts…

orlando wordpress meetup

When the slides appeared, the questions were: 1. What is this business? 2. What is the call to action?

wordpress orlando meetup

How often do you have a business epiphany? Aha moments sure, but epiphanies? Rare. And when they arrive…. seize the learning!

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Why Blog, Tweet, Post Videos, Chat? Why Social Media?

Been saying' this for a long time

Social media is the new resume. Blogging, particularly using WordPress, is one of the best ways to make a positive impact. Twitter can feed your blog. You Tube feeds Google. A well-fed blog feeds Google. Google feeds your reputation. You good with that?

But remember, the seed comes from you.

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