Happy Birthday You Tube

Wanna Watch You Tube?
Wanna Watch You Tube?

You Tube.  You love to watch it.

You Tube videos are funny, serious, wacky, sexy, vulgar, informative, personal, revealing, captivating.

Google bought You Tube for $1.65 Billion.

This, in less than five years.

Crazy idea, that You Tube thing, all those five years ago.

There will be another crazy thing.  One after the other.  The really crazy thing is that it can now come from anyone, anywhere.

Will your idea be the next viral Internet phenomenon?  Maybe that’s too big.

Will your idea be the next big thing in your department, your division, your organization, your industry?

Wouldn’t challenge you if I didn’t believe I could do it myself.  Seriously.

Lead or follow.  Remember?

Speakers And Panalists

Wisdom, From Experience
Wisdom, From Experience

Do you use social media?

Do you understand Socialnomics?

Someday, these things will be as common as cell phones.

There are a few big ones worth getting into, just to “stay with the pack”:

  1. LinkedIn
  2. Twitter
  3. Facebook
  4. Blogs
  5. You Tube

These are the big five.  There are dozens more. For now, simplicity is the goal.

Do you read or scan through these every single day?  Tomorrow, a quote from a LinkedIn group member – Speakers and Panelists – that is particularly articulate in defining advice for aspiring people.

Meanwhile, “What will you do today that scares you and moves you one step closer to your important goals?”

Leadership Books

The Last Lecture
The Last Lecture

I get it. There is only so much a person can read. We can’t do it all. Right there with you. And, many of us received new books as gifts recently.

What books changed your life last year?

There were a few for me.  Two had significant impact.

Up first, The Last Lecture, by Randy Pausch.  Randy was a Carnegie Mellon computer science professor, in his mid-40’s.  He had a wife and three children under the age of six.

Then he got pancreatic cancer.

To paraphrase what I heard Randy say:

This isn’t a book about dying. It’s a book about living.

It isn’t a book for you and me. It is a book for Randy Pausch’s children.

How did this book change my life?

It is in living in the moment that makes us great leaders. Doing things – things that matter – with a heightened sense of urgency has changed my life.  I’ll tell you why tomorrow.

jungle jeff Mental Floss

Here’s some jungle jeff mental floss to clear you mind.

A friend sent this You Tube Video:

  1. It’s short
  2. It’s professionally done
  3. It’s not what you normally expect from me

I know, you’re too busy to click on the play button:

What are you sinking about?  Carpe diem.  🙂

Better and Happier

It's Your Choice
It's Your Choice

“Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier.”unknown

That’s all there is to say today.

Not really. But I’m gonna zip it and hopefully the quote will plant a seed of greatness in your soul and your work this coming year – it’s only two days away.